My name is Brett Rojo and I am Rojo Photography! I believe that photographs are an extension of our memory. They can bring back the memories, thoughts, and emotions that were experienced at that moment in your life when the image was captured. Photography is my passion and I hope I can share that with you and that you will allow me to capture some special moments in your life to preserve for you, your family, and friends for generations to come.
My story is similar to other photographers. My first camera was a Kodak Brownie Starflex that my Grandmother gave me when I was 8 years old and I still have. Looking down through that big viewfinder and capturing what was before me fascinated me. It was amazing that little black and silver box could freeze that moment forever. Through my teen years and early 20's, I progressed with various cameras and photographed mostly landscape/nature. To me, the film in my camera was like a painter's canvas. It never entered my mind to make photography a career at this point. I just enjoyed capturing the beauty around me in my world.
In 1998, I bought my first digital camera. My photography world changed. Digital camera technology combined with my computer skills, gave me a renewed excitement with photography. Having a digital darkroom which utilized digital technology I was familiar with gave me more control of my photography and helped me expose the image the way I saw it.
In 2003, I was asked to shoot a family wedding because I was "into" photography. I agreed to do it, but was nervous as you might imagine. I loved it! The thought of capturing life's moments for others excited and challenged me. From there, I added other aspects of photography into my repertoire. In addition to weddings, I have photograph memories for high school seniors, families, children, and babies. I also do model portfolios, architectural, fine arts, and even pets. Being a big sports fan, photographing sports is another passion of mine from youth through professional sports. Some of my work has also been published in local and national papers and publications.
I am a member of the Indian Nations Professional Photographers Association (INPPA), Southwest Professional Photographers Association (SWPPA) and the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA).
I hope to hear from you soon!
Brett Rojo