Sleeklens reached out to me to try their product Forever Thine Wedding Workflow and I must say, I'm impressed. The popular trend these days is a "filter" look for images and there are plenty of these and other helpful quick adjustments to choose from.
I don't normally use Lightroom presets in my wedding workflow. I typically use LR to color/exposure correct and crop the images, then export for final processing in Photoshop. While trying out these presets, I came up with a workflow that worked best for me.
What I would do is use LR color labels to mark images with a color that I would associate with and one of the presets. When I was ready to process, I would choose the color flag I wanted to only show those images, then I would apply the preset across all these images. I would then choose the next color flag and repeat. This would give me different looks for different aspects of the wedding to add a variety to the images. It really speeds up my time on processing a wedding.
And, they offer a photo editing service: